Routine quotidienne Novice/High French IPA Pack Download
This IPA Pack Download is based on two authentic resources: article and documentary-style video of Noémie, who is popular with French teens, sharing the details about her morning routine in 100% French.
The pack includes step-by-step instructions, and reading and listening comprehension activities that follow the ACTFL model. Complete with an explanation of an IPA and how to use it, and nine Interpretive Tasks that break down the content, increase recognition of key words and phrases, develop context awareness, and promote language usage. In addition, it provides creative options for writing and/or speaking Interpersonal and Presentational Tasks, answer keys, and Novice-level rubrics.
French: Novice/High-Level
Global Theme: Contemporary Life, La vie contemporaine; Esthetics, L'esthétique
Topics: daily life, beauty
Essential Questions:
- What role do daily routines play in a culture?
- How do daily routines influence a society?
- How the definitions of beauty influence a culture?
- What challenges might arise from a culture's definition of beauty?
- How can we overcome those challenges?
Suggested Grammar “Pop-up” Lessons:
- verb tenses
- reflexive verbs
Instant download delivery only. 23-page PDF (IPA), article, and 7-minute MP4 video file. ©2016. French. Novice/HighLevel.
Download your free Interpretive Task sample and Teacher Notes preview located in "Additional Info."
1B4940DL Daily Routines Novice-High FR IPA Listening Interpretive Task Sample