One Deck of Cards, Four Essential Topics!
How well do your students understand these topics?
- the days of the week
- months and seasons
- how to give the date
- how to give the time
They'll find out for sure when they play this game!
Being able to recite lists is not enough, kids have to be able to connect words to their meanings. In this "war"-style card game, the latest card in a sequence has the highest value, so to win a hand, kids need to understand what their card says, what the other players' cards say, and what order the cards should go in.
Download the game instructions located in "Additional Info."
Two to four players. Contains 50 cards. French. Beginning, Intermediate.
About the Author
Terry Waltz, Ph.D, is a leading international TPRS/Comprehensible Input trainer and author of books and games for new readers of Chinese and Spanish.